The Importance of Pallet Freezer Spacers

Pallet freezer spacers are indispensable in many food handling and processing operations. Not only do they speed up blast freezing, but they also increase airflow during cold storage to protect perishable items from spoilage.

StockinetteBags pallet freezer spacersStockinetteBags pallet freezer spacers also reduce the risk of cross-contamination between products and are simple to clean. It promotes employee and customer health, reduces carbon footprint, and meets regulatory compliance requirements.

Free Air Circulation

Free air circulation is an essential feature of StockinetteBags pallet freezer spacers, as it increases the efficiency of freezing and defrosting. Furthermore, it prevents ice formation that could damage products or cause foodborne illnesses.

Pallet freezer spacers feature an open lattice design that creates air gaps between stacked items, allowing cold air to circulate more effectively and speeding up cooling. It is especially useful during blast freezing operations, where placing freezer spacers between each layer can reduce the time to freeze by up to 30%.

Some spacers are also reversible, which can be used for different loads. It makes them a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to steel racks.

StockinetteBags pallet freezer spacers are an ideal solution for businesses that need to freeze and chill perishable products such as meat and dairy. Not only do they reduce foodborne illnesses and keep employees and consumers healthy, but they also meet stringent food safety regulations. Selecting high-quality spacers makes all the difference in your operations – it’s wise to consult experts before purchasing pallet freezer spacers to get exactly what you need.

Temperature Control

Temperature control is an integral component of cold storage warehouse operations. It ensures food items remain safely chilled until consumption, using less energy and reducing costs.

Freezer spacers help maintain product temperatures by improving air circulation between layers of stacked items. Furthermore, they help stabilise stacked layers, making moving and removing the product from the freezer more straightforward.

A high-quality pallet freezer spacer is essential equipment for any cold storage facility. It is durable and reusable, and its design also helps minimise waste production.

Pallet freezer spacers come in various sizes and shapes. Crafted from food-safe plastic, these spacers can be used for food processing, blast freezing, cold storage, automated palletising and robot picking applications.

Temperature control in your cold storage warehouse can help you save energy costs, maintain quality, and boost productivity. Furthermore, it may prevent disease outbreaks and guarantee the safety of customers.

Temperature controllers operate by calculating the temperature in an area and setting it to an appropriate value. They may also set alarms to notify you when temperatures fall outside their target range.

These temperature controllers use a combination of high and low current grounds for maximum precision, plus separate monitor and power ground connections.

Due to their plastic material, spacers are easily cleaned and sanitised. Employees can power-wash them or wipe them down with a sanitising solution safe for food products; this makes getting rid of dirt and bacteria effortless, which helps reduce cross-contamination.


Freezer spacers are essential to freezing processes in food processing and storage facilities. They allow for better airflow, expediting blast freezing processes. Furthermore, freezer spacers save energy costs and minimise waste by preventing product damage during shipping.

Pallet freezer spacers are made of heavy-duty plastic to allow air to circulate between layers of goods, creating an even temperature distribution in the frozen environment and helping prevent food contamination. These spacers come in various sizes and materials to meet different requirements.

These food-safe HDPE containers are suitable for fresh products, can withstand temperatures ranging from -50 degrees C to +90 degrees Celsius, and are resistant to most acids and chemicals. In addition, their open profile design promotes maximum airflow between the boxes, leading to faster freezing times.

These spacers are perfect for blast freezing and significantly increase productivity at cold storage facilities. In addition, they can reduce chill down, freeze down and thaw down times by up to 30%, enabling more efficient loading of products while cutting freight costs.

These pallet freezer spacers can also be utilised with other cooling equipment. However, they’re incredibly beneficial in meat processing plants and cold stores where blast freezing is necessary to freeze fresh products. Strong enough to support a range of weights, these pallet freezer spacers can be cleaned easily in a washer or sanitiser machine.