SEO: Augmentum E Commerce SEO social proof – How to Use Social Proof to Boost Conversions and Trust in eCommerce

Adding social proof to your website is a great way to boost trust and conversions. It is beneficial on high-intent pages such as your checkout and contact us pages.

Customer reviews, testimonials and videos are all forms of social proof. Studies show that 70% of customers trust recommendations from other consumers they don’t know. For more information about the Augmentum e commerce SEO social proof, click here.


Augmentum e commerce SEO social proofWhen consumers consider purchasing online, they look for signs that previous customers have positively received the product or service. These signs can come in the form of testimonials, reviews or even videos displayed prominently on the website. This type of social proof can convince shoppers that the product is worthwhile, regardless of its price tag.

Testimonials can be done in many different ways, but one of the most effective tactics is highlighting customer success stories and photos on the ecommerce site’s homepage. This creates an immediate connection between the brand and the consumer, resulting in higher conversion rates and sales. However, it is essential to note that positive testimonials will only work if they are authentic and from current customers who have experienced the company’s products or services. A negative review will have the opposite effect and may deter new customers from trying out a business.

Another method of using social proof is to display testimonials on a company’s product pages. This gives potential buyers a clearer idea of what other consumers have thought about the product and how it has helped them. This will give the visitor confidence that the product will work well for them and help sway their decision to purchase it.

The eCommerce business uses this strategy on their site, displaying real-person written reviews and visual photo galleries of satisfied clients wearing the product’s face masks. Similarly, the beauty company Lush Cosmetics has implemented this technique on their website by featuring customer testimonials and a visual rating system throughout its product pages. For more information about the Augmentum e commerce SEO social proof, click here.


Getting positive customer reviews is an essential part of every eCommerce business because it allows you to demonstrate that your products are highly regarded and trusted by others. Whether displayed prominently on your website or in the form of 3rd party trust badges on product pages, customers will consider these reviews as they decide to buy your products.

This type of social proof plays on the principle established by Cialdini’s herd instinct theory, whereby people assume that buying something must be good if a large group of people believe something. Reviews are a particularly effective way to do this because they are authentic and don’t need to be manipulated, unlike traditional advertising.

In addition to customer reviews, it’s also a great idea to include testimonials from influencers and industry experts in your product listings. These endorsements give your company a more authoritative voice, and if they’re sourced from trusted sources, they can even boost your SEO ranking.

It’s worth noting that the more detailed a review provides, the more credible it will be. Detailed case studies that tell a story about how your product or service has helped a specific client are compelling because they provide more authenticity than simple star ratings and feedback.

In addition to including customer reviews on your website, you should consider incorporating them into your PPC and email marketing campaigns. You can do this by adding them to your ad copy or mentioning them in an email newsletter you send to your subscribers. By doing so, you’ll be able to reach potential customers who may have never visited your website otherwise.

Social media

Social media is one of the most effective ways to implement social proof, especially in eCommerce. People rely on the opinions of their friends and family, so naturally, they will consider recommendations from their peers when making purchase decisions.

Social proof in the form of social media is a powerful marketing tool that can be used at every stage of the customer journey. From discovery and inspiration to consideration and purchase, incorporating social proof will help boost sales and build brand trust.

Today’s most popular type of social proof is user-generated content (UGC) – the billions of photos, videos, boomerangs, and reviews created on social media daily. This type of UGC is potent for ecommerce sites, as it provides authenticity and credibility that the seller cannot manipulate.

Another important source of social proof is endorsements from partners and third parties. This includes partnerships, sponsorships, and awards. These are often displayed in a prominent place on the homepage or product pages and the form of remarketing ads on social platforms such as Facebook. For more information about the Augmentum e commerce SEO social proof, click here.